
Offshore Oil & Gas

Onshore Oil & Gas

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Offshore Oil & Gas Development Solution

After many decades of development and accumulation, COOEC has formed a complete set of mature technology, equipment and capability system for offshore oil and gas field development, design, construction, installation and maintenance, and is able to provide customers with turnkey and diversified projects more efficiently. COOEC has vigorously developed strategic emerging industries, actively promoted the construction and upgrade of traditional industries to deep water and underwater high-end marine equipment, achieved a leap in deep water oil and gas field engineering capacity from 300m to 1,500m, and made a series of major technological breakthroughs in deep water, subsurface and other fields. COOEC has expanded its traditional offshore oil and gas engineering business to include onshore LNG engineering, offshore wind power and other clean energy fields, which has contributed to the continuous improvement in its comprehensive competitiveness.

At present, COOEC is accelerating the transformation to an international engineering general contractor, speeding up the transformation of business structure to low carbonization and full industrialization, and driving the transformation of production mode to standardization and digitalization. By enhancing the value creation ability in all aspects, COOEC provide customers with “package” solutions for marine energy engineering. 

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