




Combating Climate Change

COOEC has formulated and released the COOEC 2023-2025 Work Scenario Low Carbonization Plan and the 2023-2025 Energy Efficiency Enhancement Action Plan. Through measures such as technological breakthroughs and transformation of production modes, COOEC actively engages in the research and development of offshore wind turbine, CCUS (carbon capture, utilization, and storage), hydrogen energy projects, and industrial integration, continuously building a technology-led green core competitiveness and contributing to the realization of the "dual carbon" goals. At the same time, the Company is planning to establish a climate risk governance framework, incorporating climate risk management responsibilities into its ESG management work.

In alignment with the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and to further advance the Company's green and low-carbon development strategy, the Company has outlined its low-carbon development goals for the next three years in the 2023-2025 Work Scenario Low Carbonization Plan, guiding its future work.

The Company will promote the low-carbon development of its manufacturing sites, engineering vessels, and office spaces by adopting high-efficiency equipment and technologies for new workplaces, implementing energy-saving process technology upgrades and enhancing equipment and facility efficiency, as well as changing energy utilization methods for existing workplaces.

Furthermore, by enhancing the energy-saving and low-carbon management system, optimizing energy monitoring systems, and strengthening the construction of a green and low-carbon culture, the Company will solidify the management foundation for its low-carbon development.

Adhering to Green Operation

COOEC is committed to implementing the requirements of the Environmental Protection Law, actively promoting green operation,continuously strengthening green management, and optimizing and improving operation and production methods to contribute to a better future.

Optimizing Resource Utilization

COOEC enhances the efficiency of environmental resource allocation through scientific planning and rational scheduling, continuously promoting the green utilization and efficient management of environmental resources, and contributing to the creation of a better future.

Improving the Prevention and Control of Pollution

COOEC strictly implements the requirements of laws and regulations such as the Environmental Protection Law, the Law on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, the Law on Prevention and Control of Air Pollution, the Law on Prevention and Control of Pollution from Environmental Noise, and the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste. By strengthening source control, classified treatment, and regulatory monitoring measures, pollution emissions can be effectively reduced, and environmental quality can be protected.

Attachment 2023 ESG Report

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